Prophet - Isaiah

Prophet - ISAIAH

He lived in 742 BC-687 BC. He is considered as one among the four major prophets along with Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel.

Isaiah 6:1-10

Isaiah had a vision, the LORD was sitting upon the throne, high and lifted up. And his train filled up the temple. Above it stood the seraphims , each one had six wings ,with twain he covered his face,feet. And he flew with twain. They cried one another "Holy, Holy, Holy " is the Lord of Hosts.The whole earth is full of his glory. Then isaiah said Woe ! is me, for i am undone: because i am a man of unclean lips, and dwell in the midst of people of unclean lips, for my own eyes have seen the Lord , the king of hosts. Then one of the seraphims flew unto me having a live coal in his hand taken from the alter with thongs. He touched it on Isaiah mouth and said the inequity is taken away as he had touched his lips. and his sin was purged. Isaiah also heard a voice saying who will i send and who will go for us. Then isaiah replied that "Here i am , send me." Then Lord spoke to him 'People hear to the word but they do not recogonize them, they see by their own eyes but there is no understanding'

During the reign of Solomon's son 'Rehaboam' beginning 922 BC (I Kings – Chapter 12). The northern part comprised of ten tribes and they rebelled under Jeroboam and it was called Israel, while Judah and Benjamin became the southern kingdom (Judah). Jerusalem was in the north of Judah close to the border of the northern kingdom.

The northern kingdom of Israel was destroyed by the Assyrians in 722 BC (II Kings 17). Exiles to Assyria were absorbed into the culture and lost their identity. They were called the ten lost tribes of Israel. The prophet Isaiah lived during the reign of Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah of Judah. Isaiah reminded people to keep the God's covenant if the Israelites were going to remain in God's chosen people.

Isaiah influenced king Hezekiah of Judah who brought about religious reform and political freedom. Book of Isaiah is a collection of poems generally divided into the book of the judgements (Chapters 1- 39) and the book of consolation (Chapters 40 -66) . Sennacherib laid siege to Jerusalem in 701 BC but yahew delivered the city as Isaiah had promised.

The book contains two of the famous prophecies in Hebrews scripture and many other important verses.

  • Virgin birth of Messiah (7:14) and the servant who suffered and died for our sins.(Isaiah 52:13, 52:12) .
  • Gift of holy spirit (Isaiah 11: 2 - 3)
  • Works of mercy (Isaiah 58: 7)
  • Earliest references of afterlife (Isaiah 26: 19)
  • Most quoted prophet in the new testament.

Other facts

During the discovery of dead sea in 1947, a collection of writings composed by the 'Essenes' , revealed an intact scroll of the book of Isaiah. The findings helped to verify that prophecies of Isaiah were genuine. And written before fulfilment. The Jerusalem and the temple of God were destroyed by the Babylonians in 587 - 586 BC which led to the Babylonian exile or captivity of the jews (II kings 24 – 25). Isaiah died as a Martyr's death.